Thursday, December 31, 2020

Prayer Point- Fasting 2023

 First, praise God and thank Him for His blessings and goodness in all He has bestowed, even if you do not feel or see them. Remember your walk with Christ is all about Him working in and through us so your faith and love flourishes!

Point 1.    Pray that we realize that our inheritance and hope as a church family is in God’s  incredible great power which is available to us (Gal. 1:12; Eph. 1:18-19; Phil. 3:10).

Point  2.    Pray that our Church, Leadership and volunteers &Staff becomes more surrendered and poured out to Christ, so they can have spiritual breakthroughs by seeking the fear of God and the mind of Christ and the Spirit’s leading, praying for righteous leaders. (1 Cor. 2:16; Gal. 2:20-21).

Point  3.    Pray that your Churches, Pastor & Team to continue to take hold a growing, consistent walk with Christ with a devotional life and prayer that is steadfast. Praying that they realize and allow Christ to work and use them as they grow closer in their faith, spiritual formation, maturity and love (Psalm 16:8-11; 73:28; Rom. 8:31; 2 Pet. 1:5-7). 

Point  4.    Pray that all of the leadership exhibit good Christian character and integrity with all of their relationships and dealings in life (Micah 6:8).

Point  5.    Pray for a increase of Soul to be saved & rooted in our VO ministry. Pray for multiplication of new couples, families and 3th wave, kids Gang. Pray for Tither, giver & more Tither giver in our church.

Point  6.   Pray for the Victory Homes  for Men & Women, for breakthrough Spiritually, Mentally, Physically & Financially.  

 Point  7 .  Pray for Christian Marriages to be protected by the blood of the Lamp.  

Point  8.  Let declare in the Name of  Jesus Christ,  A incredible blessing over our life's. we will see an explosion of Gods goodness, kindness and grace over our life's. declare God favor over our life's . In the Name of Jesus Christ 

Point  9   Pray for VO International , Founders Pastor sonny & sister julie Arguinzoni & Arguinzoni family, Elders, Multy Regionals, Regional and Pastors.  Pray for Moreno Family . 

Point 10  Breaking Barriers from 100 young adults to 200 adults young. Breaking numbers Season . 
50 Strong Couples .  50 Strong Solid Disciple, Life group leader,  Yakima Victory Home, Moses Lake Victory Home, H

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Growing through PAIN

 Genesis 50:20

20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about [a]this present result, to preserve many people alive.

Throughout history, people have suffered tremendous injustice and pain at the hands of others. None of us are exempt from conflict, criticism, and mistreatment. 

The question is, Are we growing more or less like Christ as a result?

Nothing that happens in our lives is an accident. As children of God, we know that everything coming our way is filtered through our Father’s loving, sovereign hands. And He can use whatever we experience to grow us in grace and holiness—yes, even injustice and abuse.

Joseph endured more unfair treatment than most of us can even imagine: He was sold into slavery by his brothers, slandered by Potiphar’s wife, and forgotten in prison. 

For years, it seemed that no good would ever result, but there was divine purpose in it all. Joseph learned more about God’s ways and was also being trained for the future.

The same is true for each of us. The Lord doesn’t want us to focus on the wrongs done to us and the pain we’ve suffered. Instead, He wants us to keep our eyes fixed on Him. 

As we read God’s Word, He reveals His ways and purposes, giving us guidance to walk with Him and patience to wait for His timing. And 

His indwelling Holy Spirit enables us to respond in a godly manner by forgiving those who wrong us.

Think about Joseph’s words to his brothers: “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20). Remember, that is true in your life also. The pain you carry can be used for good if you’ll forgive your offenders and trust the Lord’s ways.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Keys to Attitude willingness and Thankfulness

 Keys to Attitude—

Willingness and Thankfulness”

“give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The first key to attitude is a willingness to do whatever you are asked. This is what leaders look for in people who desire to get involved. 

You may not think you have the talent or ability to do whatever is asked, but you will set yourself to do it because you were asked.

[People may refuse requests from leaders to help, saying], “I’m sorry, but that is not my ‘grace’ gift.”
That may [be] so, but [the leader] was asking for help—not a word from God. 

[this] is the kind of attitude many people have in local churches, and that is why they are never used. 
The greatest blessing…is when people come and say they are joining 
[the local] church and want to know where they can help. 

Those are the people who end up in leadership positions.…
[Another] key to having the right attitude is being thankful for your position and retaining your joy. 

We should always be thankful for the place in which God has put us. 
You may want a change in your life and position, but that will only come when you learn to be thankful for where you are.

 “We are not just to be thankful in good times, but even during difficult times.…”

“The victory begins in thanksgiving.”
How willing are you to do whatever is asked of you?
How willing are you to go “outside the box” of your gifts and serve no matter what?
Do you serve at these times grudgingly or heartily as unto the Lord?
Have you recently asked your leaders what you can do for them that may not be part of your usual set of tasks or expectations?
Try doing this and see what responses they may give to you. Then do the tasks and expect God to shape your character into His likeness.”

“Another] key to the right attitude is never lose
sight of the people behind the work. 

You must
not let what you do in the church turn into just another
job. …If you get upset at all the work you have to do,
then you need to judge your heart’s attitude. 

All of that
work is changing people’s eternal destiny, so it is worth it.”

Lethargy, apathy, and slothfulness are sins
that show what kind of attitude? 
How can you keep
zealous to do the work of the ministry over the long
haul and not succumb to these sins? 

Can you see people’s
faces as you perform the work of your ministry? 

Ask God
to give you His heart toward these people on a daily basis.”

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Rooted Planted


In the Parable of the Sower Jesus says;

 “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among the thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop - a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown. He who has ears, let him hear.” (Matthew 13:3-9)


Eight verses later in Matthew, Jesus explains the meaning of the parable to the disciples; 


“Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the Kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path. The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the one who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away. The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the one who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the one who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop yielding a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.” 


Jesus gives us 4 different scenarios of seed being spread in this parable. He explains that the seed is the Word, the good news shared with others. The soil is the heart of a person, where the seed of the good news can take root. Jesus makes clear that the problems in the parable don’t occur with the seed, but the problems arise depending on what kind of soil the seed falls onto. 


Let’s take a look at the 4 different types of soil described in the parable of the sower.

  1. A hardened or oblivious heart is a barren wasteland. (Matthew 13:19

Some are opposed to the good news and there are those that are oblivious to it. Whether by personal volition or innocent omission, this parable is clear that seed will not grow where there is inhospitable soil. In fact, the enemy will come and snatch the seed away because he doesn’t want the seed to have any opportunity to take root and grow in a person’s life. This kind of soil will never reproduce because it cannot reproduce.

  1. A troubled heart produces shallow roots. (Matthew 13:20-21)

Life is a long, and at times, difficult journey. A heart that is troubled by the obstacles and adversity of life will fail to produce deep roots. These individuals have an interest in the Gospel and even seem to embrace it at the beginning of the journey. However, over time without tending to the growth of the seed of the Gospel they will fall away during the tough times and tribulations that all disciples of Christ experience. Jesus actually warned us, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Shallow roots will not sustain a person through the adverse and difficult seasons of life. It takes deep and strong roots growing in healthy soil to weather the stormy seasons.

  1. A distracted heart bears no fruit (Matthew 13:22)

A distracted heart cannot grow the roots needed to sustain life. A heart that cares more for the things of the world than for the things of the Kingdom is not the healthy soil necessary to experience kingdom growth. Money, status, popularity, and other worldly endeavors choke out the ability of the seed to get the nutrients and care necessary to grow roots.

Unhealthy and distracted soil is not the place for seed to grow, and definitely not the place to find a harvest of healthy fruit.

  1. A fertile heart sustains life (Matthew 13:23)

A heart that is fertile is one that readily accepts the Gospel seed and does the hard work of nurturing it to grow. This heart is one that is open to the Truth of God’s Word and open to the transformation that will take place. This heart is made ready by the prompting of the Holy Spirit AND the participation of the individual. This heart does not just experience growth for themselves, but actually impacts those around them. 


Healthy soil is where seeds have the most opportunity to grow into life giving plants, trees, etc… For instance, a single healthy apple tree can bear enough fruit to feed dozens of people. It’s shade gives rest to those who pass by on hot days.

 It’s flowers nourish thousands of pollinators every spring. And it’s seed spreads and multiplies into an immeasurable amount of other apple trees over the course of its lifetime. 


Conclusion: What kind of soil describes your heart today?

Are you indifferent to the good news of Jesus Christ? Are you needing to spend some time on the condition of your heart so that the seed of the gospel can grow deep and healthy roots? Are you distracted? Are there too many things in your life clamoring for your attention and care?

If you’ve ever had an earthly garden you know the effort it takes to grow and sustain life in the garden. It’s no different with the eternal garden of your heart where the divine seeds of the gospel and the kingdom are trying to grow. They need healthy soil and consistent care. 


What can you do this next week to strengthen the soil of your heart? 

       Dedicated time in prayer.

       Removal of distractions, no TV, no sleeping in too late, no social media.

       Dedicated time every morning in the Word. 

       Meet with a pastor or church leader to discuss past hurts that are presently hindering your growth. 


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Fruitful living

 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:1-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Jesus Christ told His disciples, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit” (John 15:5). As we carry out the Lord’s plans through the power of His Spirit, our lives will have significance, and two practices will characterize us.

1. Treasuring God’s Word in our hearts. When we value something, we think about it often, study it regularly, and learn all we can about it. By studying the Bible, we learn many important things about our God, including His character, plan, and promises. Regular Scripture meditation develops our ability to think biblically and deepens our relationship with the Lord. One of the indications that we treasure His Word is a change in behavior: Decisions will increasingly be guided by His principles, and actions will reflect the fruit of the Spirit. (See Gal. 5:22-23.)

2. Enhance ourselves with kindness and truth. These two virtues are to be our constant companions on the Christian walk. God’s truth has the power to expose ungodly attitudes and behaviors. When this happens, the presence of kindness helps to protect relationships from damage; it can also prevent discord and division in churches. The Lord wants us to speak the truth to one another—but to temper it with loving compassion.

The Christian life is a journey filled with temptations, obstacles, and difficulties that are common to man (1 Peter 4:12). At the same time, it is to be characterized by the fruitfulness that comes from following Jesus Christ, our guide.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Servants Heart

 “Keys to Attitude—A Servant’s Heart”

“But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Another key to having a good attitude is having a servant’s heart. Jesus told the disciples that, in the Kingdom of God, those who are “chief” are those who serve. 

He told them that He was among them as One who served. (Luke 22:25-27.) Jesus had a true servant’s heart. Christians will never graduate from being servants.

…Elisha…began his ministry by acting as a servant for Elijah for a number of years. …
As you learn to serve, the anointing of God will increase on your life to help others. 

David became king and had a great anointing, but he first experienced God while tending sheep. He was willing to give his life to protect his father’s sheep.

He watched that flock with a servant’s heart and a watchful eye. 
Because he passed the test of serving with the sheep, he was able to pass the test of Goliath when it came.
Now, what is your flock? Is it watching a group of toddlers every Sunday morning? Is it directing a choir, youth group, or children’s church? Are you involved in house”

Do you know people who have a servant’s heart?

What do they do that makes you know this is the kind of attitude they possess?

Do people look at you and see someone who has a servant’s heart?

How do you demonstrate this attitude?

Because Jesus came as One to serve, what areas of service do you see Him perform that might have seemed “unexpected”by the disciples?

In what ways did He serve that did not seem “appropriate” for the Son of God or even a great rabbi to do?”

“Another attitude of an armorbearer] is to serve
as if you were serving Jesus. From the Word
of God, you can see clearly that.
we are to work
as if we are working for Jesus. If you will get
your eyes off your boss and strive to please God
first, then you will please your boss. We must
learn to see Jesus as our Eternal Employer.”

Check your heart to see if your emotions about
your ministry position are toward Jesus and His
pleasure and not your leader’s compliments. 

your mind to see if you think more about how Jesus
wants things done, rather than thinking about man’s
desires. Pray for an attitude that will bring God His due.”

Monday, November 23, 2020


                                We need to thank God for all we have.



 “Paul, Silas and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing. Therefore, among God’s churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.”

2 Thessalonians 1:1-4 NIV


Let’s look ahead to one time we can be at peace no pressure on us this is a Christian


Holiday where we show love to one another.


I. Paul was thankful Faith,Love,Hope of the Thessalonians.


Vers. 2-3


We need to thank God for Spiritual Growth.


·     Thank God for the Strength of Faith.

·     Thank God for a Growing Love (agape love)

·     Thank God for growing Patience.

·     Thank God for growing Faith.


II. We should be thankful for acceptance of God word.


But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you as firstfruits to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth.”

2 Thessalonians 2:13 NIV


·     Thank God for a church that Believes.

·     Thank God for a church that teaches the Word.

·     Thanks for preachers that preach and stand on the word.

·     Thank God for people who believe the word.


“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV


“Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”

2 Peter 1:20-21 NIV





III.Thank God for our Salvation.


“And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe.”

1 Thessalonians 2:13 NIV


God chose us before the foundation of the world.


·     Thank God for our Salvation.

·     Thank God for eternal Life

·     Thank God for eternal Security.

·     Thank God for a home In Heaven


“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love”

Ephesians 1:4 NIV


We must be faithful.

Remember what Paul said:


“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Real Treasure

Real Treasure

Proverbs 15:6 says,
In the house of the righteous there is much treasure, but in the revenue of the wicked is trouble.
Notice that this verse does not just declare there is treasure in the house of the righteous. It says there is much treasure in the house of the righteous.
You can also find treasure in the house of the wicked, but Solomon says it is laced with trouble. The income of the wicked has a bunch of trouble with it.
But the same is not true for those who are right with God. When the treasure is found in their house, it does not have the same trouble that it does when it is found in the house of the wicked.
If you read on, the Lord shares two things that must accompany this treasure if it is going to be enjoyed. First, you must have a right relationship with God. Proverbs 15:16 says, Better is a little with the fear of the LORD, than great treasure with trouble.
It is better to have almost nothing and have a right relationship with God than to have everything money can buy and not have a relationship with God. We must get our priorities right.
The second thing we need to have is a right relationship with people, lest the treasure become hollow and become a curse. Proverbs 15:17 says, Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a fatted calf with hatred.
Some people have more prosperity than they know what to do with, but all of their relationships fail. They do not have love. Consequently, there is a vacuum they can never fill with things, that they can never fill by accumulating more possessions.
Pursue your relationship with God, and a right relationship with people. Then you will enjoy the treasure God gives you!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Prayer & Fast

“We must approach fasting with humility. Fasting must be genuine and not religious or hypocritical. This is what God requires in fasting. We must have correct motives in fasting. Fasting is a powerful tool if done correctly. Muslims and Hindus fast, but their fasts are merely religious. Great miracles and breakthroughs happen when fasting is done in the right spirit.
Isaiah chapter 58 describes the fast that God has chosen:
• Fasting cannot be done with amusement (v. 3).
• Fasting cannot be done while mistreating others (v. 3).
• Fasting cannot be done for strife or contention (v. 4).
• Fasting should cause one to bow his head in humility, like a bulrush (v. 5).
• Fasting should be a time of searching the heart and repenting.”

“• Fasting should be done with an attitude of compassion for the lost and hurting (v. 7).
This is the fast that God promises to bless.

The enemy knows the power of prayer and fasting, and he will do everything in his power to stop you. Believers who begin to fast can expect to encounter much spiritual resistance. A believer must be committed to a fasted lifestyle. The rewards of fasting far outweigh the obstacles of the enemy.”

Lest start with some :


I break all generational curses of pride, rebellion, lust, poverty, witchcraft, idolatry, death, destruction, failure, sickness, infirmity, fear, schizophrenia, and rejection in the name of Jesus.

I command all generational and hereditary spirits operating in my life through curses to be bound and cast out in the name of Jesus.

I command all spirits of lust, perversion, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, and immorality to come out of my sexual character in the name of Jesus.”

“I command all spirits of hurt, rejection, fear, anger, wrath, sadness, depression, discouragement, grief, bitterness, and unforgiveness to come out of my emotions in the name of Jesus.

I command all spirits of confusion, forgetfulness, mind control, mental illness, double-mindedness, fantasy, pain, pride, and memory recall to come out of my mind in the name of Jesus.

I break all curses of schizophrenia and command all spirits of double-mindedness, rejection, rebellion, and root of bitterness to come out in the name of Jesus.”
“I command all spirits of guilt, shame, and condemnation to come out of my conscience in the name of Jesus.

I command all spirits of pride, stubbornness, disobedience, rebellion, self-will, selfishness, and arrogance to come out of my will in the name of Jesus.

I command all spirits of addiction to come out of my appetite in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirits of witchcraft, sorcery, divination, and occult to come out in the name of Jesus.”
“I command all spirits operating in my head, eyes, mouth, tongue, and throat to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirits operating in my chest and lungs to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirits operating in my back and spine to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirits operating in my stomach, navel, and abdomen to come out in the name of Jesus.”
“I command all spirits operating in my heart, spleen, kidneys, liver, and pancreas to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirit of these Corona virus, sickness, fear, & Isolation  to come out and be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.
I command all spirits operating in my sexual organs to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirits operating in my hands, arms, legs, and feet to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all demons operating in my skeletal system, including my bones, joints, knees, and elbows, to come out in the name of Jesus.”

“I command all spirits operating in my glands and endocrine system to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirits operating in my blood and circulatory systems to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all spirits operating in my muscles and muscular system to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all religious spirits of doubt, unbelief, error, heresy, and tradition that came in through religion to come out in the name of Jesus.”
“I command all spirits from my past that are hindering my present and future to come out in the name of Jesus.

I command all ancestral spirits that entered through my ancestors to come out in the name of Jesus.
I command all hidden spirits hiding in any part of my life to come out in the name of Jesus.


I have the keys of the kingdom, and whatever I bind on earth is bound in” “heaven, and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven (Matt. 16:19).”

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Why do some people lose their faith

Why do some people lose their faith?

There are many  factors that cause some to walk away from their Christian faith or A Faith driven Church

I believe that these three are the most obvious.

SIN is the first and foremost example. In fact, all of the reasons one would deny the faith are sin, but here I am thinking of a person who wishes to continue to sin against God.

One such example is the friend of the Apostle Paul, Demas.

We read in 2 Timothy 4:10
"For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me.”
One could not have a greater teacher, mentor or example that the Apostle Paul, yet for Demas, the lure of sin was so strong that he left Paul’s side to continue in whatever worldly practices to which he was lured.

PERSECUTION or TRIALS are another reason that some walk away. Jesus spoke of this as the “seed that fell in the rocky soil.” 

Matthew 13:20–21 "[the rocky soil] is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures for a while, and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away." (No root, No back bone, no heart )

A third reason some fall away is PRESSURE from the WORLD.

Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

By the renewing of your mind.—“The mind” (i.e., the mental faculties, reason, or understanding) is in itself neutral. When informed by an evil principle, it becomes an instrument of evil; (here lay the issues informed by evil principle) even in serving are Lord an Savior, people are full of bad information, as soon you try to get close to God & Surrender those bad evil information begins to appear.

When informed by the Spirit, it is an instrument of good. It performs the process of discrimination between good and evil, and so supplies the data to conscience. “The mind” here is not strictly identical with what we now mean by “conscience;” it is, as it were, the rational part of conscience, to which the moral quality needs to be superadded. The “renewed mind,” or the mind acting under the influence of the Spirit, comes very near to “conscience”

How can I keep my faith from faltering when there is so much pressure from the world?
The Pressure can be GREAT! Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego experienced a tremendous amount of pressure to bow down and worship the statute of Nebuchadnezzar.

Their dilemma is similar to the pressure that we are facing today. No one is asking us to bow down to a gold statute. 
No, we are just asked to bow down to the thinking and practices of everyone around us. 
The pressure comes with challenges like.....
“Everyone is doing it.”
“Even some Christians are doing it.”

“If you stand out too much, you will lose family or friends and face ridicule.”
In America, the pressure is to conform to our society. But in other parts of the world, the pressure is much more like that faced by the three Hebrew men in Daniel 3.
 Christians today are facing the threat of death if they insist on remaining faithful to Christ.
The gods of our day cry out to be embraced in our minds and actions. 
The gods of:
Tolerance The word tolerant means liberal and broad-minded. In one sense, it implies the compromise of one’s convictions, a yielding of ground upon important issues.
We have become tolerant about divorce, the use of alcohol, delinquency, wickedness in high places, immorality, crime and godlessness. We have been sapped of conviction, drained of our beliefs, and we are bereft of our faith.
Pleasure at all cost
Unrestrained sexual fulfillment outside of marriage
Nebuchadnezzar’s Image was a DIRECT ATTACK against God!

 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego aware of the danger, would not BOW DOWN!
Read Daniel 3 for your own read 

Saturday, April 25, 2020

“Keys to Attitude—A Servant’s Heart”

“Keys to Attitude—A Servant’s Heart”

“But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Another key to having a good attitude is having a servant’s heart. Jesus told the disciples that, in the Kingdom of God, those who are “chief” are those who serve. 

He told them that He was among them as One who served. (Luke 22:25-27.) Jesus had a true servant’s heart. Christians will never graduate from being servants.

…Elisha…began his ministry by acting as a servant for Elijah for a number of years. …
As you learn to serve, the anointing of God will increase on your life to help others. 

David became king and had a great anointing, but he first experienced God while tending sheep. He was willing to give his life to protect his father’s sheep.

He watched that flock with a servant’s heart and a watchful eye. 
Because he passed the test of serving with the sheep, he was able to pass the test of Goliath when it came.
Now, what is your flock? Is it watching a group of toddlers every Sunday morning? Is it directing a choir, youth group, or children’s church? Are you involved in house”

Do you know people who have a servant’s heart?

What do they do that makes you know this is the kind of attitude they possess?

Do people look at you and see someone who has a servant’s heart?

How do you demonstrate this attitude?

Because Jesus came as One to serve, what areas of service do you see Him perform that might have seemed “unexpected”by the disciples?

In what ways did He serve that did not seem “appropriate” for the Son of God or even a great rabbi to do?”

“Another attitude of an armorbearer] is to serve
as if you were serving Jesus. From the Word
of God, you can see clearly that.
we are to work
as if we are working for Jesus. If you will get
your eyes off your boss and strive to please God
first, then you will please your boss. We must
learn to see Jesus as our Eternal Employer.”

Check your heart to see if your emotions about
your ministry position are toward Jesus and His
pleasure and not your leader’s compliments. 

your mind to see if you think more about how Jesus
wants things done, rather than thinking about man’s
desires. Pray for an attitude that will bring God His due.”