Saturday, April 25, 2020

“Keys to Attitude—A Servant’s Heart”

“Keys to Attitude—A Servant’s Heart”

“But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭22:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“Another key to having a good attitude is having a servant’s heart. Jesus told the disciples that, in the Kingdom of God, those who are “chief” are those who serve. 

He told them that He was among them as One who served. (Luke 22:25-27.) Jesus had a true servant’s heart. Christians will never graduate from being servants.

…Elisha…began his ministry by acting as a servant for Elijah for a number of years. …
As you learn to serve, the anointing of God will increase on your life to help others. 

David became king and had a great anointing, but he first experienced God while tending sheep. He was willing to give his life to protect his father’s sheep.

He watched that flock with a servant’s heart and a watchful eye. 
Because he passed the test of serving with the sheep, he was able to pass the test of Goliath when it came.
Now, what is your flock? Is it watching a group of toddlers every Sunday morning? Is it directing a choir, youth group, or children’s church? Are you involved in house”

Do you know people who have a servant’s heart?

What do they do that makes you know this is the kind of attitude they possess?

Do people look at you and see someone who has a servant’s heart?

How do you demonstrate this attitude?

Because Jesus came as One to serve, what areas of service do you see Him perform that might have seemed “unexpected”by the disciples?

In what ways did He serve that did not seem “appropriate” for the Son of God or even a great rabbi to do?”

“Another attitude of an armorbearer] is to serve
as if you were serving Jesus. From the Word
of God, you can see clearly that.
we are to work
as if we are working for Jesus. If you will get
your eyes off your boss and strive to please God
first, then you will please your boss. We must
learn to see Jesus as our Eternal Employer.”

Check your heart to see if your emotions about
your ministry position are toward Jesus and His
pleasure and not your leader’s compliments. 

your mind to see if you think more about how Jesus
wants things done, rather than thinking about man’s
desires. Pray for an attitude that will bring God His due.”