Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Keys to Attitude willingness and Thankfulness

 Keys to Attitude—

Willingness and Thankfulness”

“give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The first key to attitude is a willingness to do whatever you are asked. This is what leaders look for in people who desire to get involved. 

You may not think you have the talent or ability to do whatever is asked, but you will set yourself to do it because you were asked.

[People may refuse requests from leaders to help, saying], “I’m sorry, but that is not my ‘grace’ gift.”
That may [be] so, but [the leader] was asking for help—not a word from God. 

[this] is the kind of attitude many people have in local churches, and that is why they are never used. 
The greatest blessing…is when people come and say they are joining 
[the local] church and want to know where they can help. 

Those are the people who end up in leadership positions.…
[Another] key to having the right attitude is being thankful for your position and retaining your joy. 

We should always be thankful for the place in which God has put us. 
You may want a change in your life and position, but that will only come when you learn to be thankful for where you are.

 “We are not just to be thankful in good times, but even during difficult times.…”

“The victory begins in thanksgiving.”
How willing are you to do whatever is asked of you?
How willing are you to go “outside the box” of your gifts and serve no matter what?
Do you serve at these times grudgingly or heartily as unto the Lord?
Have you recently asked your leaders what you can do for them that may not be part of your usual set of tasks or expectations?
Try doing this and see what responses they may give to you. Then do the tasks and expect God to shape your character into His likeness.”

“Another] key to the right attitude is never lose
sight of the people behind the work. 

You must
not let what you do in the church turn into just another
job. …If you get upset at all the work you have to do,
then you need to judge your heart’s attitude. 

All of that
work is changing people’s eternal destiny, so it is worth it.”

Lethargy, apathy, and slothfulness are sins
that show what kind of attitude? 
How can you keep
zealous to do the work of the ministry over the long
haul and not succumb to these sins? 

Can you see people’s
faces as you perform the work of your ministry? 

Ask God
to give you His heart toward these people on a daily basis.”