Friday, May 21, 2021

Are you Under Attack ? #3

Are you Under Attack ?

Recognize the signs: 


               The Third sign that you are under attack is a”Lack Attack”. There are times when it seems that all of your resources dry up at the same time. Hey bill will Piled up. You can pray bills away you have to pay them. 

But when everything starts breaking down at the same time, when business  dries up or Layoffs r announced, the car breaks down, the appliances are on the fritz, and  all kids are sick  you could be under a lack Attack, 

The enemy attacks in this way to get you to take your eye off of God and out your eyes on MONEY.  If he can get you worrying rather than worshiping, you will start making decision based on opportunity rather than anointing. 

We have seen people who were fully committed to God and growing  spiritually and then enemy hit them with a”LACK ATTACK”

They got their eyes off God and onto money. Then along come an opportunity— but not an anointed opportunity. 

Not every  “good” offer is from God. The devil can make some very good tenting offer.  Look at Jesus in (Matt 4). 

Alway remember there are 2 times in your life when you are especially vulnerable to temptation. “When you have nothing & when you have everything”

If you are going through a lack Attack and have more month than you have money, hold on focus your mind in Gods promise, not your problems. Remember his word : 

“I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Does the financial solution pull you away from Gods house not allowing you to connect ? 

Does it take you away from your family ? 

Reference from the book The spirit of Python 

You being  Attack....    stay on course....