Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Reasons Why You Aren't Growing as a Leader

Reasons Why You Aren't Growing as a Leader

The best leaders I know keep growing. They never settle for mediocrity. They look for and tackle challenges that stretch them beyond their own comfort zone. 
Stagnation alarms them into action. On the other hand, many leaders stop growing at some point, perhaps for one or more of these reasons:

1)You view leadership as a title, not a journey.

2)You're not as good as you think you are.

3)You focus on words more than action.

4)You focus on the wrong things.

5)You are glued to your screen.
The choices for entertainment on our phones and television screens are endless. Consuming content at the expense of building real relationships is a big problem. Take a step back and ask yourself if you're using your screen as an escape from reality instead of a way to connect with others. Also, consider what content you're spending your time consuming. Many of today's content creators, and many of the main characters in popular programs, aren't the best examples of leaders.

6)Last one you can alway blame President Trump